Later, it further degraded after Elena turned her humanity off, to the point that they are were enemies: Elena tried to stake Caroline, and will do everything that she can to ruin the prom dance that she carefully planned.She also almost killed Caroline's mother, Liz. He doesn't break up with her. Bonnie wanted Elena to meet her at the Gilbert family lake house, where she's trying to teach Jeremy not to kill Elena. Esther hears sounds coming from outside, where she finds Matt and Jeremy aiming rifles at her. The first was Katerina Petrova. When her hand bursts into flames, she lights a nearby gas burner and uses the impromptu flame thrower to burn Kai and runs. It's what he wanted her to do. Elena tells Damon that her dad worked with Whitmore and was an Augustine. They were just competition, and whoever finds the cure first gets to decide how to use it. Armed with the white oak dagger, she tells Stefan that she plans to kill Rebekah. He could say it's the sire bond, and maybe it is, but it's the most real thing she's ever felt: "I love you, Damon," she said. When liz asks about Caroline, Elena sadly tells her the truth saying she just took off. She starts hurting him. She's thrilled, Damon less so. Caroline then sees Liam coming and leaves. Elena tells Stefan that she still has feelings for him. Esther tells Elena that she means her no harm, but she must leave the dance and follow her, willingly or not. She stops and compels him to go get Bonnie. The pain hurt too much. Elena wakes up and wonders how she reached here while staring at the window. Elena's rage sharpens into a murderous point. After Bonnie tells her Lily was rambling on about her "family", Elena tells her that after you get dried out and start desiccating, the mind starts playing tricks on the vampire. Elena tells Klaus that by killing her, he won't have enough blood to create a hybrid army like he wants. Tyler arrived, and Rebekah told them all to stay in the building and not vamp run in the hallway. Later, when Damon wants to go after Bill Forbes, Elena and Alaric try to stop him but Damon kills Alaric. Later, Elena is packing her stuff and Damon asks her to not leave but she says that when they are together they do bad things for each other and she can't live with that. They share a romantic moment and they kiss on the rooftop as the sun comes up and they enjoy the sunrise together. Caroline finally made her entrance in a beautiful beaded gown that looked like it was from the 20's. He holds Elena against the lockers, informing her that he should kill her just as he killed Brian and Bill. Elena didn't care that she hurt Liz. At the Grill, Jeremy senses something was up with Damon when they came eye-to-eye. Their moment is interrupted by Nadia who explains she has found a way to save her mother. She asks him what happened after that, but he tells her that she's better off without him and he lets her go. Elena, who'd heard from Jeremy that Kol had Damon. After Tyler left, Elena and Alaric turn their back on Jeremy and the next moment he was gone, not wearing his ring. Elena calls Bonnie and asks if she can help Alaric. Elena and Caroline prepare to go search for her. If not, there would be consequences, she said. After she recapped how everyone else hated her at the moment, Damon told her he'd never seen her more alive. He jabs the needle into her chest and she hears Stefan's voice. She comes to and she tells him what memory have come to her. After the Travelers have completely filled a pot each with their blood, their wounds begin to heal and they are released. He asks her if she's having second thoughts and she says she actually isn't, as it felt oddly empowering to her. Once Elena heard that Caroline had been talking to Stefan about this, she asked Caroline and Bonnie to leave. The other was, Elena has yet to kill by heart extraction, though Katherine did so in her body in, She has also yet to be shown to use dream manipulation, as before Katherine used it in, She is the third person in her family line to have slept with Damon Salvatore. When she reveals she is in love with Damon. I feel that way about you," Jeremy said to Bonnie. They catch up in classroom and Elena tells Stefan how much she's enjoying her volunteer time at the hospital. While waiting for Kai's call, Elena wonders around the house and comes across Damon's video journals which he made during his time in the prison world. Elena chooses to head back to town, and calls Damon, informing him that she chooses Stefan. She leaves, despite his offer of a naked breakfast. Elena asks why they don't just hunt down Wes for the antidote and Damon confesses he killed him. After a brief time, she was finally able to regain her humanity after a surprising plan was carried out by Damon and Matt. She tries to calm Enzo as he drags her across campus. She freed Shane and told him to stop messing with her friends. She doesn't want to believe he'd be part of a place that would cut Damon's eyes out and breaks down. In Do Not Go Gentle, Elena follows Caroline's advice and asks Stefan to accompany her to the dance. They have their one final dance. Elena figured that's why Stefan had tried to keep Connor alive—so no one would feel suicidal. Elena is the first purely vampire character shown in the series to form a sire bond, whose bond is based on romantic feelings. Jeremy convinces Stefan and Damon to stop for Elena's sake and stays with her whilst Bonnie tries to find Lucy. Ever guilty that he survived the car crash, Matt extends his wrist to Elena for a mid-morning snack. She put his hand on her heart and asked if it felt wrong. Elena pushes "Damon" off of her and Stefan is bewildered and confused, wondering what is wrong. Elena had made her way back to the top of the cliff to sit beside Stefan. As Alaric arrives home, Elena runs to hug him. Although Bonnie has always been supportive of Elena, after Elena began a relationship with Stefan Salvatore, a vampire, Bonnie and Elena begin drifting apart. Elena walks in on Stefan and Damon having a disagreement on Elena's feeding methods and diet. For some reason, Elena thought this was a good time for her and Stefan to talk about Damon. But Damon knew it wasn't. Damon is hopeful that Elena might be remembering something but she confesses that all she remembers is the pain he has caused all the people she loves. Maxfield told Elena his theory that a vampire hunted Megan down, ripped her throat out and threw her off the building. She gives a quick kiss to Damon and leaves. Elena replied "Jeremy can't come to the phone right now, he's not -- I'm sorry, he's dead.". Shane had to do some quick thinking of his own: Damon told Elena his theory about Shane having killed the pastor and 11 others in that gas explosion. After Elena's parents pick her up from the bonfire, their car unexpectedly drives off Wickery Bridge. As Klaus is about to kill Jenna, Stefan arrives and asks to take Jenna's place but Klaus refuses and stabs Stefan as he says he has other plans for him. Elena smiles at this and Damon goes and sits beside her at the swing. He told her it's because lately, he seems to be the one who can reach her, the one she trusts even when she doesn't trust him. She was forced to confront her feelings for Damon after she finds out he is dying from Tyler's Werewolf Bite. Finally, she asks Alaric to compel her to erase Damon out of her mind, since he is an Enhanced Original. She needed her jewelry, her jacket, and her shoes. Connor, of course, ran into Elena in the tunnels, and she took a big bite on his neck. Elena was devastated when Esther turned Alaric into an Original resulting into him not completing the transition. As Elena returns to life, John dies. Elena was used in a spell, to transfer Amara from being the anchor to The Other Side to Bonnie being the new anchor and Qetsiyah had to have doppelgänger blood to do the spell. Stefan is there as well, telling her not to be stupid. "She" had just been there. Elena had to speak to Jeremy when he was in this staid state and try to remind him that she's still herself. As Klaus starts to turn, Bonnie arrives and starts attacking him with her witchcraft. Having no choice, they decide to compel the Principal to allow Jeremy an early graduation. Alaric and Elena head off to the mountains, where they engage in banter, and her telling Alaric that he's not a lost cause. Together with Damon, she goes to Stefan. Elena threatened her. Enzo is not able to deal with the fact that his best friend killed the love of his life and switches off his humanity. Before Elena could blink, or Damon could be helpful in any way, shape or form, Katherine and Nadia were both gone. In We'll Always Have Bourbon Street, Damon woke up and Elena quickly joined him by wearing just his shirt. Elena tells John that such hatred will get him killed and leaves. When she discovers he has left without his ring, planning to kill himself, she finds him by the quarry. When Elena touches April's arm, however, the sensation of the girl's pulse makes her run off to the basement bathroom to puke. When Elena was in high school she wanted to be a writer. And she admitted that she no longer loves Stefan. He thought she hated whiskey. I wanted that for you, Elena, and I would have gladly given it to you and let Matt die because I AM that selfish." Species She apologizes for keeping Enzo's death a secret and he says he doesn't care about her lies. Elena complies with his demands, and finds Caroline held captive in his classroom. As she has now changed her style, she's able to temporarily fool Elijah of her identity. Damon isn't surprised Elena is able to find the one positive thing out of all the torture in the journal. Amara † (Ancestor)Tatia † (Maternal Ancestor)Tatia's Child † (Maternal Ancestor)Mr. Petrov † (Maternal Ancestor)Mrs. Petrova † (Maternal Ancestor)Katerina Petrova † (Doppelgänger Of, Maternal Ancestor)Katerina's Unnamed Sister † (Maternal Ancestor)Nadia Petrova † (Maternal Ancestor)Nadia's Child † (Maternal Ancestor)Johnathan Gilbert † (Paternal Ancestor)Christopher Gilbert † (Paternal Ancestor)Samantha Gilbert † (Paternal Ancestor)Mary † (Adoptive Maternal Ancestor)Beth † (Adoptive Maternal Great-Grandmother)John Gilbert † (Biological Father/Adoptive Paternal Uncle)Isobel Flemming † (Biological Mother)Grayson Gilbert † (Paternal Uncle/Adoptive Father)Miranda Sommers-Gilbert † (Paternal Aunt/Adoptive Mother)Jenna Sommers † (Adoptive Maternal Aunt)Jeremy Gilbert (Paternal Cousin/Adoptive Brother)Alaric Saltzman (Legal Guardian/Step-Father)Josie Saltzman (Step-Sister)Lizzie Saltzman (Step-Sister)Giuseppe Salvatore † (Father-In-Law)Lillian Salvatore † (Mother-In-Law)Zachariah Salvatore † (Nephew-In-Law)Zachariah's Father † (Brother-In-Law)Stefan Salvatore † (Brother-In-Law)Caroline Forbes (Sister-In-Law)Damon Salvatore † (Husband) Elena dies several times in the series, going from a regular human, to a vampire (after she consumes enough vampire blood from both Salvatore brothers), to a ghost/spirit of the afterlife, to a supernatural human with special powers and abilities. Later, Damon found Alaric's map of the tunnels that conveniently provide an entrance to the Grill. The two women lived very different lives as vampires; Katherine Pierce and Elena Gilbert had unique experiences as supernatural entities on The Vampire Diaries. She asks why then would he go on a suicide mission and he says it's only half of one because if he dies, he will get brought back with the others. In the novels Elena becomes a vampire. Damon says how she is just a tool to bring back Stefan's humanity but Elena encourages him to give her sometime. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Outside the post office in the PA town, a man asked what Katherine had done with her hair -- in the last two minutes. She's upset. Caroline is in favor of a break from the Salvatore brothers for both of them. Elena is happy after Caroline agrees to stay. He said he didn't. Finally, Liv tells them that Elena is the last female doppelgänger and that Stefan might soon be the last male and if that happens, the Travelers will come to use Elena. He says they are at Whitmore medical. Her voice was light and sweet - silvery, Elena ⦠After Katherine is daggered by the Traveler's Knife she dies for good and Elena gets her body back. To her surprise, Damon is brought back to life and she felt nothing towards him, not believing she was ever in love with him. Originally Lily told her family to remove Elena's casket from the crypt then remove her body from it to dump her under the falls so she could spend the next 60 years in the river. However, she tells Stefan that she got caught up in the blood and in the feeding and almost lost control. The lake house is now in Jeremy's name, so he had to invite Elena in. In a Virginia town hiding secrets, two vampire brothers -- good Stefan and the evil Damon -- compete for the love of 17-year-old Elena Gilbert. Bonnie fought with them and Elena just stared ahead. In Original Sin, Elena had a very strange dream in which she saw Stefan at a bar screaming. Stefan showed up as she was leaving Salvatore Mansion. Elena is surprised and happy to hear this while Caroline over hears. He introduces himself, "My name is Enzo.". Silas then refuses to allow Elena to come along when she looks like his true love and doesn't want to stare at her all day. She and Damon got back together near the end of the season, but it was short-lived. Before the memorial mass starts, the Mayor invites April to speak. Both Elena and her mother Isobel were both turned into vampires by Damon's blood. Fortunately, just before Elena attacks her, Caroline overpowers her and makes her stop. Then, he looked at Elena. But even though they didn't know Bonnie's plan, Elena's hope still involved magic and resurrecting Jeremy somehow. She is happy to be back and assures Damon and Stefan that its her. He replied back saying, "Look, I'm gonna get this cure for you, and I'm gonna have to do things you're not gonna like," he said. She's even more surprised to learn — as Elijah leans in for a deep kiss — that he and Katherine are not just in league but in some sort of love. Played by She told Damon she realized something about him today. She tells Elena that when she stops telling her how she really feels is when they will no longer be best friends. Jo then offers to help Elena clean up the blood. She feeds politely, careful not to kill him. In The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, Caroline tells Elena about Damon's returns who is not so thrilled about it and refuses to meet him. Sired to Damon, Stefan said. In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, she wakes Bonnie up from her dream and tells her to get ready as Jo's wedding was in a few hours. Elena reveals that the herbs help her see Damon but Caroline begins to understand Elena's problem and tells her that there are better ways to get through it. Stefan comes downstairs to tell everyone they're being insensitive, but Damon warns him not to let the fact she's an Elena lookalike could the fact she's a manipulative psycho. The only one who didn't appear to her as someone else. In the hospital, Stefan tells Elena that he overheard a radiologist mentioning cancer. Two times an Original killed her as a human; Klaus drained her of her blood and Rebekah caused her to drown when she ran Matt's truck off Wickery Bridge. Elena tells Stefan that she will get to live though, that she will be a sister, a friend and that she will be with him forever if she wants. Elena wanted to go with Stefan, but he told her she wouldn't be able to handle the guilt if she had to defend herself and kill Connor. Elena storms out of the kitchen and Damon goes after her. While later in Dallas, Texas her boyfriend Damon is willing to sacrifice his happiness with her by taking on the X scar from Rayna's Phoenix Sword as a result when she died if she lived 60 to 70 years like Bonnie would die with Rayna when she died. In Welcome to Paradise, its the day after Elena has lost her memories of loving Damon which means the party day. Elena realized that their lives are connected meaning if she dies, he dies. At some point before 2016 Damon gets desiccated, wishing not to be revived by Stefan until Elena wakes up. This is because of a spell Bonnie cast, binding Elena and John's life forces together. He guesses she's not over the guy who dumped her. In Live Through This, it was revealed that Lily gave Kai the idea to put Elena in the coma as revenge for Damon for not wanting to help rescue the Heretics from the Prison World. Later, she hides in the closet when Stefan and Klaus enter. Her dad found her and tells her everything is fine and today is a good day because he is going to save a little girl's life. Elena is sure Jeremy's not a cheater. With the purpose of helping Elena, Matt offers his blood to feed Elena and stabilize her, as much as possible during the funeral. They talk about how Bonnie never likes to stay away from them on Christmas and feel sad. He tries to calm her down while Elena panics about what happened. Esther pricks Elena's finger and takes a few drops of blood. We found out Elena hadn't told Stefan about dirty dancing with Damon after she got high on blood at the Murder House Party. He tells her and she tells him he has every right to be mad, but why he wouldn't let her, and he says he can't hate vampires and then use them to his advantage. Bonnie died with Damon who was still trapped on the Other Side and Elena was greatly devastated. Silas would unleash hell on earth if risen, they told him. Damon hypothesizes that's it's her doppelgänger blood and that she needs to drink from the vein. She asked Stefan why he still cared about her, and he said because he brought this all into her life. Elena says that she will find him later and goes to Esther's room. The principal refuses, citing his various bad behavior in the past years. They had to come to terms with Stefan's summer-long imprisonment and the revelation of Bonnie's death, all the while having to deal with Silas and Qetsiyah's struggle for dominance. That way, Alaric will die and his greatest threat will be gone. She wakes up after sometime and tries to knock some sense into Kai saying him he cares for an in animated object but not for the people he killed. Elena discovers her kidnappers are two old vampires called Rose and Trevor. They shared a brief heartfelt reunion as Stefan passed away and found peace inI Was Feeling Epic, after sacrificing his life. Damon smiles and they start kissing but are interrupted by Kai. She punched him good when he tried to stop her from leaving. He rebuffs her. After returning to a human towards the end of Season Six, she stops curling her hair and goes back to her original straight hairstyle. Elena does not take the bait; Rebekah struts in and raises the stakes, smearing the girl's blood all over Elena's face. Rebekah warned Matt that Elena was up to something. He said they should not be there. They then kiss and Damon gets a call from Stefan. Stefan stopped Bonnie from killing Elena. Elena's life changes forever when she unexpectedly encounters a handsome, mysterious, foreign boy, Stefan Salvatore. She spots Stefan and Caroline then moves away trying to avoid him. Elena and Damon are sitting beside the grave site, sad that their plan failed. The last time she saw him he had just learned she was a vampire and thought she wanted to kill him. However, unlike Katherine, Elena took the cure willingly. If she drops the veil, then ALL the supernatural creatures who have ever died since the Other Side was created will be back, including Grams and Jeremy. When Elena says that the swing used to squeak, Damon says it did but he fixed it. When she got to the bridge, her mother appeared and told her it was okay. She then talks about her fictional to-do list and pretend they're human. Later, Elena is cleaning the house along with Jeremy and he tells her about his experience with Bonnie in the prison world. They joke about Caroline's delusional pomposity and Control-freakiness. In A Bird in a Gilded Cage, Elena comes home to find Damon working out his rage by breaking things. Then Bonnie through Jeremy talks to them from the Other Side. Damon, Elena and Bonnie find Stefan about to kill Amber but Bonnie stops him. Stefan learns from Damon that he apparently killed Elena as something so bad he can't look himself in the mirror, Stefan then punches him in the face. and Caroline would take Elena to school for some normalcy. Caroline asks Elena how she survived all this. Stefan called Elena and told her Damon and Bonnie were on their way back and Bonnie has an idea. After her transition, Elena admitted she was no longer in love with Stefan because of she felt he treated her like a project and looks at her like a broken toy and that she can't be with someone like that. She then asks Elena and Bonnie to give her a year of no humanity and she will then turn her humanity back on but says if anyone tries to disturb her plan she will become their worst nightmare. Later in the season, after Jeremy's death, Elena burned down the Gilbert house. She is flawed; not always able to treat her friends with proper respect, and acting in a smothering, if not controlling, manner toward her brother, Jeremy. Stefan mentions her seducing both him and Damon, turning them into vampires and starting a war with the town that got them killed. I'm not going to let you pull that this time. Pouty, Buffy, Warrior Princess, Scaredy Cat, Judge, Stone Cold Bitch, Baby, Sunshine, Honey, Robert Frost, Doppelgänger Bitch, Cow, Doppelgänger Wench. On the island, the hiking began. In The Five, Elena makes sure to inform Stefan of her little field trip with Damon and Bonnie to Whitmore College, where Bonnie's grandmother had taught, as she does not want him to misunderstand. He attempts to rescue her, but is caught by Klaus who previously asked him to leave. Aaron shoots Damon leaving Elena upset. Damon then insists that Elena is going to be miserable because of her vegetarian diet. Over the phone, Alaric explains that he, Stefan and Damon are in Portland, tracking down the Gemini Coven in the hopes of finding the ascendant and Bonnie. Elena used to be a cheerleader along with. Damon confronts her and promises her that he'll get her out of there. Liam comes by Elena's dorm room with medical records for "Lady Whitmore", the old wound she came to the hospital for doesn't exist anymore. Elena figures out that when Esther turned Alaric into an Original, she didn't want him to be truly immortal. He and Elena had to stay there because Rebekah told them not to leave. The problem was he's an Original immortal. And she figured it out. Waiting for the teacher at school, Damon flirts with Elena whom tries to keep him on task. They see Bonnie watching footage of her with Damon and then drinking the oldest bourbon in the house. They went outside and saw him standing on the street, unable to move. When Elena looks back down to the floor, she sees no blood, she gets back to her feet. Elena asks Kai why he kidnapped her and what his plans were. Her life also changed drastically as she and her friends are caught up in the supernatural world that surrounds them and are forced to face powerful supernatural enemies. During their hike, Elena thanks Stefan for bumping into her in that hallway that day. Caroline offers to come spend the night in the dorms. Damon replies that they are going to find out about it tomorrow and both share a flirtatious smile. In Do You Remember the First Time?, Damon and Elena finally talk with each other face to face. The plan was for Jeremy's subconscious to recognize her as someone he loves, someone he wants to protect. Elena asked Klaus how he made the torment stop. She's hoping to get to him before Markos gets very far with his spell, which will strip away magic layer by layer and hence will kill all the vampires. Elena tries to find them but is running behind on time. Elena tells him about her break up with Liam and then says there is this feeling inside her that she can't seem to shake. Elena glared at Caroline. Elena was naturally upset with Damon, but she agreed to let him stay with Jeremy and go hunting while she took Matt home. Later, at the swimming hole, Elena apologizes to Liam that he didn't meet Caroline, but he's fine with it. "He killed her? See more ideas about elena gilbert, vampire diaries, nina dobrev. While Elena waited impatiently, Rebekah and Katherine taunted each other some more as Rebekah revealed that Elena does not want the cure but she does. Damon has a look of awe on his face while Elena looks at him nervously. Damon says it was more of an emotional death. They fought and she lost. Ultimately, their love and the notable support of Stefan allowed them to come back together once again before the season's end. His final words: "I'll see you, Elena", as they part ways. Later, Elijah goes to Elena's house where he requests her to join him. Elena and Stefan are stuck with the travelers. Isobel then tells Elena that she is sorry that she was a disappointment to her; she removed her lapis lazuli necklace and burned to death in the sun. And then did it. Elena meets with an officer Matt next at the Wickery Bridge. They both felt it just end. The trio find Ray Sutton in the woods, and he attacks Damon. Elena shoved Meredith and started saying they needed magic. Mia is on the other end, and she says some key word to activate Katherine. Stefan later punches Damon for kissing her. Elena tells Stefan that she doesn't want to be a vampire. Alaric tells her to come to school and not inform anyone of her whereabouts, otherwise he will kill Caroline. Stefan advises her to find the thing inside of her that makes her want to live. In American Gothic, Elena and Rebekah were having a tough time finding Katherine. Elena begins to cry and Bonnie sees her, but walks away. When walking into the gym never too late and they went inside they signs. 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